Read Alliance
Pairing Teen Leaders with Struggling Readers
In partnership with Read Alliance, first grade students at local elementary schools are paired with Reading High School students three days a week to focus on building reading and literacy skills through activities and reading aloud. The high school students gain valuable leadership skills through this paid work experience and the elementary students achieve measurable progress in reading skills. This program is possible through partnerships with Customers Bank and the Young Adult Program at Career Link.
A Win-Win
The elementary students receive one-to-one support in foundational reading skills they require to catch-up with their peers and gain the confidence to thrive academically. Typically, a student achieves one year’s full growth in just one program cycle.
The Teen Leaders (tutors) gain meaningful after-school employment, enjoy the benefits of having an income, gain college-focus; learn important professional and leadership skills, and serve as role models for the younger students they support.
“Read Alliance is one of the best things I ever experienced. It provided me and other teen leaders the opportunity to be around younger children to be able to feel what it’s like to be a teacher. We could see how much we grew and how we overcame barriers of language and shyness.”
Get Involved
To learn more about the application process and any upcoming information sessions, contact Deborah Glaser Lloyd, Read Alliance Program Manager, at